Euro regional delegations & european partners

Approached for the coherence of their profiles in phase with the expectations of the project, 4 European Delegations have already validated their participation. The team of STRASBOURG MUSIC WEEK is coordinating the exchanges and calls upon the expertise and the mobilization of the participants within this European proto-network.
- Belgium :Court-Circuit, Francofaune festival, CoPPART and Ferral’Art booking agencies
- Luxembourg : Rocklab, Kultur | lx - Arts Council Luxembourg , Service For Creatives, c
- Germany : C/O Pop Festival, Pop Büro Region Stuttgart, Pop RLP Koblenz, PopRat Saarland & Samm Music Week,
- Switzerland : Advice and support for the CMA Foundation
Guests 2023 : Catalan Arts and the FIM Vila Seca, festival in Catalonia.