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Knowledge of the neighbours' markets : organisation and financing

Only for Pass and Pro pass
AUDITORIUM DU MUSEE D'ART MODERNE, Auditorium du musée d'art moderne • free seating – in seat
Production : Diffusion Prod

How do you create and finance your business in Germany or Switzerland? Is a license required? Overview of the different types of organizations (company, independent, associations, public service...).

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CUR - Joël Beyler

Diese14 - Fr

Joël Beyler is member of the Grabuge board and he runs his label #14. He also is the founder of FEDELAB : a network of labels in Grand Est Region.

#14 Records is an independent label created in 2014 in Strasbourg.
#14 Records invests in several fields of activity to support the artists,: phonographic production, management, project development and booking.
The label's editorial line is centred around the major French pop and English folk-rock families. The aim of the label is to support musical diversity and the search for emerging talent, by supporting projects that are as close as possible to their artistic approach and identity.

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Sebastian Hoffmann

Touring Artists - Ger

Sebastian Hoffmann coordinates the help desk service of "touring artists" (, the German Mobility Information Point, a joint project of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Germany, the Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK, International Association of Art) and of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (German Dance Association), supported by the German Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Touring artists informs and advises on administrative issues that are relevant for cross-border artistic or curatorial activities (Visa and residence, contracts and work status, taxes, social insurance, transport and customs, insurances, author’s rights, and mobility funding).
Since 2013, the project's cross-sector service is aimed at artists and culture professionals in Germany with international projects, institutions and groups in Germany working with international artists, and artists and culture professionals living abroad who temporarily work in Germany. 

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Romain Boomen

Empowork Culture - Bel

Active in the Belgian independent music scene for over 12 years, Romain Boonen is a freelance sound engineer and event manager.

Freshly graduated from the Master in Management of the Solvay Business School (VUB), his research thesis was about the mutualized workforce for the music sector.
The aim? To create permanent contracts on the basis of partial or temporary employment opportunities, in order to strengthen the performance of cultural organizations and to ensure the durability of workers' professional careers.He threfore developps on this basis the employers' group Empowork Culture, the first shared agency for cultural employment in Brussels and Wallonia.

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Giovanni Trono (Lux)

Kultur LX

Head of Music - Kultur | lx - Arts Council Luxembourg

Giovanni Trono has been immersed in the world of music since a young stage. He was part of various bandss and collectives whose aim was to share alternative and underground music. After studying communication in Brussels and spending 10 years abroad, he decided to return to Luxembourg to share his experience with music:LX. Since the beginning of the export office in 2011, he supported musicians in their career development. Since January 2021, he is the head of the music department of Kultur | lx.

Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg was created in July 2020 as an initiative of the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture. The establishment of this new tool for the support, promotion and development of the Luxembourgish cultural scene is the result of a broad consultation with the creative sector.

The operations of Kultur | lx revolve around three core strategies:    Stimulating the career development of Luxembourgish creatives    Supporting and encouraging the dissemination of artistic creation    Boosting the impact and promotion of artistic creations in and outside of Luxembourg

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Anaïs Lukacs

Mobiculture - Fr

Anaïs Lukas is an expert in issues related to artistic mobility and is the head of MobiCulture. After various experiences in hosting, producing and booking shows bringing together foreign artists, she developed the BAAPE (Bureau d'Accueil des Artistes et Professionnels Etrangers) at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris and continues her missions within MobiCulture, which she created in 2015.

MobiCulture is a resource center dedicated to welcoming foreign artists and professionals in France. It provides expertise and advice on the legal, administrative and practical aspects of international artistic circulation. An information point for artistic mobility in France, MobiCulture is supported by the french Ministry of Culture and the Centre national de la Musique.

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1 place Hans Jean Arp — 67000 Strasbourg