Committed to the launching in 2007 of L’Autre Canal – a new breed of venue at the time with modular capacity enhanced with several rehearsal and recording facilities targeting a regional audience – in Nancy/France, Jean-Christophe GERARD had then been commissioned to foster through a relevant networking, cross-boarding initiatives within the Greater Region. This process has started with a project coined Multipistes which was officially launched in July 2012 for a 3-year period, thanks to a significant ERDF co-financing grant.
Pioneering operators then have been since then jointly running the eponymous network with a common ambition : support talented newcomers and their entourage by helping them to gain access to a professional practice, both as artists and musical projects’ agents and promoters. COVID crisis, though preventing circulation throughout the network’s hinterland, lead stakeholders to adapt and re-invent ways and means to address their target audiences, whose core beliefs and career paths had been deeply affected by the situation.
Latest cooperation achievements are:
Initiative Pop, implemented during the crisis, an innovative capacity building program for DIY artists and professionals, granted by CREATIVE EUROPE and due to relaunch for a second improved season.
Litmus, another training and community building project meant to trigger and facilitate grass-roots and joint initiatives targeting high standards of environmental and social responsibility, supported by ERASMUS+.
This open partnership has developed along those years a significant and recognized expertise and members participate in several sectorial bodies, be they local regional and national and its activity now goes transnational, with renewed perspectives, always bound by general interest.