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Blitz Session

30 minutes to discover a program, a system, an innovative solution: ask your questions and find answers!
Only for Pro pass
AUDITORIUM DU MUSEE D'ART MODERNE, Auditorium du musée d'art moderne • free seating – in seat
Production : Diffusion Prod

15h30 - Maxime Farlet présents Fairly : carbon footprint calculator
16h00 - Daniel Winkel présents  DAEDI,  CNM export programs 
16h30 - Fabian Mösch présents PETZI network
17h00 - Céline Fuchs présents FÉDÉCHANSON network
17h30 - Suzanna Metzger présents Europop

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Maxime Farlet présente Fairly

After co-founding the Seanaps music festival in Leipzig (DE) and the BMA-Impact(s) association, Maxime Faget has been running Fairly since 2021 Fairly, an SSE company whose flagship project is the creation of an 
an environmental, social and territorial impact calculator dedicated the live music and entertainment sector. 
He regularly workshops or coordinates studies on the application of the principles of the application of sustainable development principles to the cultural cultural sector.

Fairly is an SSE company that develops software and tools aimed at developing responsible management of live events, in particular through Fairly Score, an automatic calculator of environmental, economic and social impacts, 
Fairly Score, an automatic calculator of environmental, economic and social impacts, designed for festivals and live music venues. 
The Fairly Score digital tool (from its beta version in April 2024) will enable structures to better manage their impacts while communicating directly to their audiences.

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Daniel Winkel présents

Daniel Winkel, Director of the German office of Centre National de la Musique in Berlin and Senior Expert GSA, boasts over 20 years of experience in the music industry, with extensive expertise in various aspects of the industry and its stakeholders, focusing on challenges related to music export.

He holds a degree in Transnational Franco-German Studies from the University of Saarbrücken (DE), and a Master of Advanced Studies in Nations, Regions, and Borders from the University of Metz (FR), where his research concentrated on the development of radio formats in Germany and France following the introduction of private radio.

Daniel started as a freelancer for Saarländischer Rundfunk (TV / French section, SaarLorLux), Franco-German Dialogue (Asko-Europa-Stiftung), and Fenestra/Onyx (Vivendi), then became press attaché for the German branch of the French Music Export Office in 1999. He progressed to Deputy Director in 2002, then Associate Director of the Bureau Export in Berlin in 2008.

In his role, he regularly speaks on support models for the French music industry and best practices exemplified by CNM. He is frequently invited to give keynote speeches or participate in panel discussions at international music industry conferences and expert hearings, including Initiative Kultur-und Kreativwirtschaft, c/o pop, IHM, M4Music, MaMA, Midem, Musikdialog, Musique et diversité, Plan! Pop, Printemps de Bourges, Musicboard expert hearing at Berlin City Parliament, Austrian Music Council Symposium, VUT Nord, Waves Vienna.

The export department of the Centre National de la Musique aims to foster the international development of the music and variety sector by supporting the export of French productions, promoting works, and facilitating artist mobility.

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Fabian Mösch présente le réseau Petzi

Fabian Mösch has been working in various areas of the music scene for over ten years. He is a project manager at PETZI, the Swiss federation  of pop music clubs and festivals. 

PETZI represents over 200 concert venues and festivals in 21 cantons across the three linguistic  regions of Switzerland. PETZI members organize activities with the provision of a calendar and a non-profit ticketing service. The cultural offerings provided in various venues reach over 2 million people annually. Fabian also works as a board member and programmer for the OOAM Festival in Baden, and for the booking agency Glad We Met 

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Céline Fuchs présente Fédéchanson

fédération des actrices et acteurs de la chanson francophone

Programmatrice pluridisciplinaire pendant plus de 15 ans au Quai des Arts (Rumilly, 74) puis à L’Heure Bleue (Saint-Martin d’Hères, 38), Céline Fuchs s'est impliquée dans différents réseaux professionnels : Le Maillon, Réseau Chaînon, Groupe des 20 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes… 

Elle assure depuis 2021 le secrétariat général de Fédéchanson, fédération des actrices et acteurs de la chanson francophone

Fédération internationale de structures investies dans le champ des musiques d’expression francophone, toute esthétique musicale et francophonie inclusive, Fédéchanson rassemble près de 100 membres en Belgique, au Canada, en France et en Suisse. Au service de l’intérêt général, dans une démarche écoresponsable et dans le respect des valeurs de diversité, d’indépendance, de solidarité et d’inclusion, Fédéchanson contribue à la structuration de la filière des musiques d’expression francophone.

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1 place Hans Jean Arp — 67000 Strasbourg