La connaissance des marchés : les paies et les contrats

Contrats, salaires, droits et administration des artistes et des
acteurs de la filière… Comment ça se passe chez toi ?


CUR - Matthias Gauthier Lafaye

Machette Production - Fr

Mathias Gautier Lafaye runs the label and production office Machette Production from Strasbourg for almost 15 years. Machette supports the creations of singular pop music mixing electronic and analogical music.
As a platform open to artists and technicians of the live shows, it develops, with them, their creations and their artistic projects. it offers artists and teams a collaborative, evolving, economically and legally adapted listening space.

In 2016, the organization continues to evolve in the recording production and sets up an association "Machete Fait du Son" which purpose is sound recording, in collaboration with  "Downtown Studio" in Strasbourg. In 2017, the activity of the label increases considerably. The association decides to focus on a single discipline, pop Music. The association puts an end to all its collaborations with Dance & Puppetry organizations.
Since then, Machette Production has become a major production office in the Grand Est region and one of the most significant  administrative production consultant organizations in the city of Strasbourg.

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Sebastian Hoffmann

Touring Artists - Ger

Sebastian Hoffmann coordinates the help desk service of "touring artists" (, the German Mobility Information Point, a joint project of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Germany, the Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK, International Association of Art) and of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (German Dance Association), supported by the German Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Touring artists" informs and advises on administrative issues that are relevant for cross-border artistic or curatorial activities (Visa and residence, contracts and work status, taxes, social insurance, transport and customs, insurances, author’s rights, and mobility funding). Since 2013, the project's cross-sector service is aimed at artists and culture professionals in Germany with international projects, institutions and groups in Germany working with international artists, and artists and culture professionals living abroad who temporarily work in Germany.

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Pablo Fleury

Court Circuit - Bel

Pablo Fleury is artistic coordinator of Court-Circuit, the Federation of concert venues and festivals in Wallonia-Brussels.
Since 2016, he is active in the development of the local emergent music scene, the professionnalization of live music organizations and their connection to each other. Graduated with a master in socio-cultural animation, he is also a "bedroom producer" under the alias Slamino.

Active since 1992, Court-Circuit - Pôle Musiques Actuelles - is a federation of pop music venues, concert organizations and festivals, working towards the recognition, structuring and professionalization of the pop music sector in Wallonia and Brussels. Court-Circuit is also the implementation of tools and devices that promote links, meetings and exchanges between its members and musicians from Wallonia and Brussels who wish to perform on professional and emerging stages.

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Romain Boomen ( Bel)

CEO at Empowork Culture

Active in the Belgian independent music scene for over 12 years, Romain Boonen is a freelance sound engineer and event manager. 
Freshly graduated from the Master in Management of the Solvay Business School (VUB), his research thesis was about the mutualization of employment for the music sector.

The goal? To create permanent contracts on the basis of partial and temporary employment opportunities, in order to reinforce the functioning of cultural organizations and to perpetuate the professional careers of workers. 

It is on this basis that he is now developing the employers' group Empowork Culture, the first shared agency for cultural employment in Brussels and Wallonia.

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Jocelyne Rudasigwa

Sonart - Ch

D’origine suisse et rwandaise, Jocelyne Rudasigwa a grandi à Lausanne où elle étudie la
contrebasse classique au conservatoire après avoir longuement hésité avec le théâtre. Elle
se perfectionne par la suite à la Hochschule de Bâle. Les différentes productions auxquelles
elle participe l’amène à renouer très vite avec ses anciennes amours et elle lie toutes ses
disciplines dans son projet solo depuis 2016.

Par ailleurs, elle se produit dans différentes formations privilégiant la musique d’aujourd’hui,
aussi bien dans le classique et le jazz que la musique dite populaire et l’improvisation
(Boulouris 5, Eustache, Fanny Anderegg New Quartet).

Jocelyne Rudasigwa est cheffe de projet musique contemporaine chez Sonart depuis 2019
et elle enseigne la contrebasse au conservatoire de Fribourg.
En outre, elle vient de terminer une formation de coaching spécialisé en neurosciences (INA)
et développe cette nouvelle compétence spécifiquement dans le domaine musical.

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